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Upcoming Events
Adult Sunday School Sundays 8:30 am
Sun 24 Mar: 10am - Palm Sunday services at Trinity Episcopal Church. Join us as we begin Holy Week leading to Christ’s journey to the cross. We will gather in the garden with palm crosses and fans to process into the church.
Wed 27 Mar: 5:30pm - Holy Eucharist and Healing
Thu 28 Mar: 6pm - The Maundy Thursday service and foot washing will take place at Trinity Episcopal Church. Stripping the altar for Good Friday is part of this worship experience.
Fri 29 Mar: 12pm - A Community-wide Good Friday service will take place at Trinity Episcopal Church, with Josh Owen, minister from First Baptist Church, as our guest preacher. Please join us as well commemorate Christ’s Crucifixion and death.
Easter Sunday 31 March - 9:30 am - Flowering of the Cross in the Parish Hall. Please bring flowers from your garden to cover our cross. 10am - Easter services at Trinity Episcopal Church. 11:15am - Easter Egg Hunt and reception in the Pruett-Bridges garden. Please join us for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.