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Adult Choir

Our choir meets each Wednesday for rehearsal at 7 pm September through May.  They sing each Sunday at the 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, and at all special services throughout the church year.  Our Organist and Choirmaster, Dr. Mark Andersen, is always pleased to receive inquiries about membership in the choir.  Please email him by clicking this link, or write to him in care of Trinity Church.

Youth Choir

Our youth choir performs for Youth Sunday in the spring, and other special occiasions as announced, such as Christmas and Easter.

Handbell Choir

Handbell Choir

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell choir meets each Tuesday for rehearsal at 3pm September through May.  Dr. Mark Andersen is the director.  They play at Christmas and Easter.

Music Director

Our Music Director is Dr. Mark Andersen.  Here is a very good article in Our State Magazine in the December 2021 edition, about him, his mother, and God's gift of music.

Musically Speaking

We are quickly arriving at the Liturgical season of Lent.  So, after this first week of Pancake Supper and Ash Wednesday, as our colors turn to purple at the altar, gone are the “Alleluias” and the “Gloria” we use in our worship for most of the year.  The tone of the music also changes as we got into a season of reflection and love for our Lord.  I’m hoping that you will all join me in that sincere reflection of our spiritual lives.  Although the music of this season is more contemplative, in many ways it is also deeply beautiful.  The first Sunday of Lent you will hear the choir sing a beautiful anthem “Ubi Caritas,” which is based upon the scripture:  Where there is charity and love, God is also there.

In God’s Peace,

Mark Andersen 🎵

P.S.  In October 2019 I had the honor of performing with Margaret Pate, David Eaton, Joshua Sobel, and Lynn Andersen at the new Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh on their new CB Fisk pipe organ.  It is one of the finest organs in our state, and the acoustics of the Cathedral are magnificent.  As Dean of the Central North Carolina American Guild of Organists, I was asked to put together this opening concert.  For those who have asked about recordings, the entire concert can now be heard online divided in two television shows that are being televised across the Nation from New York and Seattle.

Here are the two links to the You-tube recordings of both shows:

AGO Concert Part I
AGO Concert Part II