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Adult Choir

Our choir meets each Wednesday for rehearsal at 7 pm September through May.  They sing each Sunday at the 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, and at all special services throughout the church year.  Our Organist and Choirmaster, Dr. Mark Andersen, is always pleased to receive inquiries about membership in the choir.  Please email him by clicking this link, or write to him in care of Trinity Church.

Youth Choir

Our youth choir performs for Youth Sunday in the spring, and other special occiasions as announced, such as Christmas and Easter.


Music Director

Our Music Director is Dr. Mark Andersen.  Here is a very good article in Our State Magazine in the December 2021 edition, about him, his mother, and God's gift of music.

Musically Speaking

     The season of Lent, in many ways, is a season of giving things up, such as the “Alleluias” in church and, historically, things in our own lives.  Musically we pull back on the joyous celebratory music and choose things that are more reflective of our inward spirituality.  We try to do that in a way that is beautiful in its own right, so as to encourage the feeling of nearness to the better things in our spiritual lives.  I am so blessed that we have the kind of devotion within our choir that allows for this, as exhibited by our anthems each Sunday morning, and the wonderful responses from our parishioners to that musical expression.  I’m basically saying a heartfelt thank you to our church choir for being the quality of musicians that can take the music, though we be a small group, to the next level so to enhance our worship experience.  It is always a wonderful thing to write an arrangement for our church voices, such as the recent anthem “Breathe On Me Breath Of God,” that reaches into the hearts of our congregation, that then lets me know just how important the music is in our church.  My great thanks go out to our church at large for being the insightful church fellowship that still can appreciate the better things in our church music.

Blessings, Mark Andersen🎵

P.S.  In October 2019 I had the honor of performing with Margaret Pate, David Eaton, Joshua Sobel, and Lynn Andersen at the new Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh on their new CB Fisk pipe organ.  It is one of the finest organs in our state, and the acoustics of the Cathedral are magnificent.  As Dean of the Central North Carolina American Guild of Organists, I was asked to put together this opening concert.  For those who have asked about recordings, the entire concert can now be heard online divided in two television shows that are being televised across the Nation from New York and Seattle.

Here are the two links to the You-tube recordings of both shows:

AGO Concert Part I
AGO Concert Part II